

If th is r e sult do e sn’t a pp ear to be co rr ect, it is po s sible th at th e re is a slig ht mi sm at ch b et ween our p a r cel l ayer and the city bound a ry l aye r. J u ri sdic tion i s d et e rmin ed by any ci ty b ound a ries th at c ro ss the p a rce l’s b o rd e rs.

Cache County pla nni ng a nd zo ning sta ff ca n v e ri fy the l eg ality st a tu s. Th e se ch ecks a re n ot pe r fec t in p a rti cul a r, the si ze or co n figu r ati on of a p a r cel could h ave ch ang ed in a way con si st ent with County Co de but the t ool still fl ags the p a r cel as r e s t ri ct ed. S econd, it ch ecks to s ee if the s i ze or conf ig u ra t ion h as signi fi cantly ch ang ed sin ce 8 Augu st 2006. Fi r st, it ch ecks to s ee if the p a r c el’s cent er is i n side an e st abl i sh ed s ubdi vi s ion b oun da ry. T he tool ch ecks t wo so u r ces for pa rcel l egal i ty. This m ak es s u re you don ’t m i ss an ything th at m ay be imp o rt ant to the p r op e rt y. T he tool is ov e rl y - caut iou s: it checks f or any thi ng on the p a rcel i t self a nd w i thin 100 fe et of the p a rcel. The p r e s en ce of an a r ea in the summ a ry m eans m o r e i nve s tiga t ion may be need e d. We obvio u sly do our b e st, but we a re not g e ot echni cal exp e rts or fi re di st ri ct o ff i ci al s. C lick on this li nk to op en the file or rig ht cli ck to do wnlo ad it.Ī s not ed in o ur o ffi ci al d i s cl aim er on the PD F, w e don’t ( and c an’ t) gua r a n tee the acc u racy of the da ta p re sen t ed o n th is su mm a r y. On ce i t’s f ini sh ed, it will d i s pl ay a m es s age and p rovide a link to the P a r cel Summ a ry PD F. I t sh ouldn ’t ta ke mo re than abo ut half a minute, u nl ess the s e rv er is b egging for m e r cy. Pl ea se be p ati ent it’s ch ecking ov er 20 d i ff e r ent d ata sou r ce s. The tool s hould s wit ch to the Ou tput t ab and show the p rog r e ss anim ati on while it wo r k s. It mo st l ik ely d oes n ot in clude a ll the topi cs r equ i r ed by oth er muni cip aliti e s’ o rd in an ce s.Į nt er a v alid pa rcel n u m ber in the box l ab el ed “ P a r cel” and cli ck E xecu te. 18 of the Cache Coun ty L and U se O rd in an ce in mind. T he P a r cel Summ a ry Tool allo ws you to q uickly a nd con si s t en tly id en tify many sen si ti ve a reas and o t h er geog rap hic fea tu res on a p rop e rt y. All questions about COUNTY ZONING should be directed to County Planning and Zoning.Ĭlick on Map to Enter Parcel & Zoning Viewer Questions about the map functionality or map data please contact the GIS staff.Ĭurious where the GIS data comes from? Here are the most asked about GIS layers within the Parcel & Zoning Viewer.Īll questions about CITY ZONING should be directed to the respective cities. The data contained in this map is updated on a monthly basis. The map below contains information about parcels, subdivisions, county zoning, city zoning, annexations, sensitive areas, and other county planning layers.
